Our journey together

From your application to our in-house opportunities

Are you looking for a new challenge? Whatever your skills, ambitions and background, there is a position for you somewhere. 

We attach great importance to ensuring that everyone is in the right place and that each position is filled by the right person. That is why Groupe Mutuel encourages internal mobility and career development. From the moment you apply, we support you in achieving your objectives

Recruitment process

When you apply at Groupe Mutuel, we operate a recruitment process that is focused on the person. Your profile is carefully reviewed by our specialists. Discover the selection process and track your ongoing applications.


Career development

During your career, your ambitions and skills change. Our company is attentive to every employee in order to constantly adjust their position to their career path. Discover how Groupe Mutuel is committed to career development.


Employee testimonials

Groupe Mutuel offers a variety of stimulating career opportunities. Find out more about these opportunities thanks to our employees’ testimonials.


Contact en ligne

Formulaire de contact

Adresse principale

Rue des Cèdres 5
1919 Martigny



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TERMS OF USE / © Groupe Mutuel 2024

Group Mutuel Careers

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111