Recruitment process

From the job offer to signing the contract

Waiting for the answer to a job application may seem long. To help reduce this waiting time, we have detailed our recruitment process in seven stages. Whatever the outcome of an application, every applicant will receive an answer.

1. Browse through our vacancies and find the right offer

All the talent profiles we are looking for are available on the Groupe Mutuel careers website. Some vacancies are also published on job search websites and social networks.

2. Apply online, easily and sending a full job application

Using our online application form, candidates can put together their application and submit their documents. All applications sent in this way are directly centralised in our system. Paper applications will not be considered.

If there is no suitable vacancy, you can make yourself known by submitting an unsolicited application via the following link: Groupe Mutuel - Career (

3. We review all applications with the utmost care

Our recruitment specialists review each application to assess whether it meets the criteria for the position being advertised. Following this review, they make an initial selection of applications.

4. We draw up a shortlist of candidates

Applications deemed suitable for the position are forwarded to the line manager. The others receive a negative response. At this stage of the process, no news is good news!

5. We meet the shortlisted candidates

The first interviews are an opportunity to meet the candidates for the first time. We use this opportunity to assess the person's motivation, personality and social and technical skills. Depending on the vacancy, a second interview may be held, and the applicant may be asked to pass a personality test.

6. We submit an offer to the final candidate

The candidate deemed most suitable for the position is contacted and an offer is made.

Those persons whose applications have not been selected for the position are notified by the recruiters or by the manager. Every applicant will receive an answer.

Contact en ligne

Formulaire de contact

Adresse principale

Rue des Cèdres 5
1919 Martigny



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TERMS OF USE / © Groupe Mutuel 2025

Groupe Mutuel Careers

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111