
Our answers to the most frequently asked questions

You can find here the answers to our insured members’ most frequently asked questions.
Simply click on your subject of interest.


Once your online application is complete, a confirmation window should open in your browser. No email is sent out at this stage of the recruitment process.

If you have any doubts about the submission of your application, please apply again or send an email to

Each job vacancy is dealt with separately. We encourage you to apply for all opportunities that may suit your profile.

Reviewing applications requires that we examine each application carefully and this can take some time. If your application is shortlisted, we will contact you by phone to arrange an interview. As it is our policy not to leave any applicant without an answer, if your application is not selected, we will inform you by email.

Go to the page Recruitment process to find out about the stages of the recruitment process at Groupe Mutuel.

No answer to your question?

Our Human Resources department will be happy to answer your questions. Please contact them by email at

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Formulaire de contact

Adresse principale

Rue des Cèdres 5
1919 Martigny



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TERMS OF USE / © Groupe Mutuel 2025

Groupe Mutuel Careers

Rue des Cèdres 5 Case postale, 1919 Martigny    |    +41 0848.803.111